web 2.0

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Updated SMS solution for CRM 2013 Tablets

We have been working for the past few months to upgrade some of our solutions to CRM 2013.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 comes out of the box with a free tablet application for windows 8 and Ipad, thus we decided to update the SMS solution so it will work with the tablet application as well as the browser.

We maintained all the functionality which includes sending single and bulk SMS to static and dynamic marketing lists, also defining multiple SMS profiles.

The main advantage for marketing, sales, service or xrm users is that they can send SMS notifications to their contact database on the go and directly from their tablet.

The video below demonstrates the power of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform as the first solution was created for CRM 2011, it was later fine tuned for CRM 2013 so it will work on several applications.

Click here to watch the video.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

WPC 2013 - Dynamics CRM momentum, vision and product roadmap

An amazing video from WPC 2013 showcasing CRM 2013, the future release of Dynamics CRM and the roadmap. The release is called "Orion" and is expected by end of year.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Dynamic Objects New Website

Yes we decided to revamp our site before our third year anniversary :) check it out and let us know your feedback: www.dynamicobjects.net

Back to Blogging & Update Rollup 14 fo CRM 2011 released

It’s been a while since I last added a new blog post, and I am wondering why!!
Guess I was a bit busy and lazy at the same time :) but I promise that I will try to blog more and write new interesting posts as the days go by.

Anyways back to CRM news, Last week Update rollup 14 was released. UR 14 actually took some time to be made available (UR 13 was released in March).  Update Rollup 14 does not add major functionality changes but is rather a collection of fixes for reported issues – Full Details below:

CRM version:  05.00.9690.3557
KB Article link: KB2849744 
Podcast: UR 14


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Next Generation CRM - December 2012 Service Update

This has been a busy week for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Microsoft announced the December 2012 service update for Microsoft Dynamics CRM online and a new statement of direction which outlines Microsoft investment in the platform and the new range of functionality that Microsoft will be delivering on the short and long term.

Expanding the range of supported browsers for Microsoft Dynamics CRM to cover Google chrome, Firefox and apple's safari,  Embedded Bing Maps to track location of leads contacts and companies, tighter integration with the new Microsoft office 2013 suite, integration with Skype, Microsoft Lync and Yammer for a tighter social collaboration experience are a few exciting capabilities that will be included in the December 2012 service update and in the near future....2013 is  going to be an exciting year :)

The Dynamics Team also released this great youtube video labeled "Revolutionize your work. Love your work. reignite your passion." Check it out below


Friday, August 17, 2012

Update Rollup 10 for CRM 2011 released

Update Rollup 10 (v. 05.00.9690.2730) for CRM 2011 was released yesterday, You can download the Update Rollup here and the KB article here.

Note that Update Rollup 9 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 will not be released because of a delay in the Q2 Service Update.

Update Rollup 10 fixes all the issues that would have been included in Update Rollup 9.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dynamic Objects CRM 2011 Solution Brochures

We completed recently the brochures for some of Dynamic Objects CRM 2011 solutions and they are now available online - Check them out:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Transferring Lync Calls within the CCA for CRM 2011

I am sharing with you today a short screen cast of how we enabled call transferring for the lync client within the customer care accelerator for CRM 2011. The scenario is as follows:

 1- The CRM operator (do1.ptg) receives a call from a customer (test1.ptg)

 2-  The customer care accelerator will match the call against a CRM record, opens the record and creates a phone call activity as soon as the Operator accepts the call.

 3- The  CRM operator then checks for available operators and transfers the call to a collegue (do2.ptg) or any phone number depending on the case in question.

4- The second operator (do2.ptg) will receive the transfer call along with the data needed to identify the customer (test1.ptg) and repeat the same steps as point 2.

Watch in full screen here.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

CRM 2011 Phone Survey Silverlight Solution

Dynamic Objects Phone Survey is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Silverlight Solution that provides CRM 2011 users with the flexibility of creating and configuring multiple phone surveys.

The solution works best for operators conducting a quick survey over the phone for their contact records. It is an alternate and easy to configure solution compared to setting up CRM 2011 dialogs to capture survey based information. For more information about the phone survey please Contact us.

Each survey consists of  a container (i.e survey configurator) which houses multiple pages with multiple questions.

Question Types
There are 7 types of questions a user is able to configure as part of the survey:
Q. Type
A simple text-box that holds a text value.
A Multiple line text box.

Rating is a star rating object on a scale from 1 to 5

 Radio Buttons
A radio button is used when you have multiple answers but you can only choose one answer.

 Lookups are similar to the CRM Lookups in terms of functionality.
Lookups have already defined values, which the user can select either by choosing it using the List Dialog, or by typing in the textbox using the autocomplete feature.
Users can still type values that are not available among the predefined options, DO Survey will automatically add those values to the configuration for future selection.

 Similar to the CRM Date attribute

 Check Box
A check box question type is used when you have multiple answers and the respondent can choose more than

Running the Survey
You can run your configured survey by selecting a contact and clicking on the Survey Tab

The “Start new Survey” button will ask the user to select one of the configured surveys in order to proceed

Only Active Surveys (i.e. Status = Active) are shown in the survey selector.
When Clicking “Ok” a new window will pop-up and the survey will be automatically generated the way it was configured:

As shown above, the user will also have the option to add comments.
After filling all the data, the “Submit Survey” button will add the responses under the contact.

Survey responses are available on the contact form as shown below:


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cross Browser Support to feature in the CRM Q2 2012 Update

Last week Microsoft released the preview guide for the Q2 2012 Service Update which includes Cross browser support, a much anticipated feature.

This means that the CRM Web Client will run across a wider range of browsers and platforms in addition to Internet Explorer such as Firefox, Safari and Google chrome.

Without committing to a specific date, the update includes other new features such as a mobility ( a new mobile application for the main smartphones and tablets out there|), enhanced social capabilities, industry solution templates and support for SQL server 2012.

This is really something i am looking forward too in 2012.
